Welcome Growers!


River Hills Harvest website

Time to register for the 2017 Comprehensive ElderBerry Workshop & Field Tour. We are pleased to acknowledge our partnership with Lincoln University Extension, who will present on a number of topics, including our least favorite pest, the Spotted Winged Drosophila. They have once again welcomed us to The Carver Center.

image003Last year we added a New Grower Workshop on the day before the Workshop, and it worked out great–so we are doing it again!

The added workshop allows new growers to get oriented, allowing them to participate more fully with experienced growers. If you are new to growing elderberries, we strongly recommend this pre-workshop offering.

We are looking forward to seeing you, hearing about your successes and issues, and helping you find the answers to your current questions, while providing the best and most up-to-date elderberry information available.

Bookmark this page and return from time to time to see who is speaking, and see our updated information. Some of these pages are still under construction, but you can register now.

Until then,

Happy Growing!!

Your ElderBerry Workshop Team